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Metabolic Archetype™
Overweight Drivers



Carb-Sensitive Fat Storers™ and Fat-Adapted Metabolizers™ are most at risk of insulin resistance-driven obesity.

Carb-Efficient Metabolizers™ and Dual-Fuel Metabolizers™ may gain weight from stress, hyperpalatable food addiction, or circadian disruption.

Hyper-metabolic Outliers™ are the least likely to become overweight, but when they do, it’s usually due to food reward mechanisms and stress.

 The following physiological drivers are tied back to Metabolic Archetypes™ so we can see clear patterns in how each archetype develops overweight or obesity and which drivers are most dominant. The percentages estimate how much each one of the drivers, in terms of frequency, is playing the predominant role. Here’s the breakdown:

1. Carb-Efficient Metabolizers™ (High Insulin Sensitivity, Low Fat Storage)


Least likely to become overweight, but if they do, it’s usually due to:

•Dopamine & Reward System Dysregulation (15-20%) → Prone to food addiction-like behaviors with hyperpalatable foods.

•Cortisol & Stress-Induced Eating (10-15%) → Chronic stress raises cortisol, which can override their otherwise good metabolic flexibility.

•Sleep Deprivation & Circadian Disruption (5-10%) → Poor sleep can cause temporary insulin resistance.


Key Takeaway: Their metabolism can handle carbs, but lifestyle stressors and addictive food behaviors drive weight gain.

2. Fat-Adapted Metabolizers™ (Efficient Fat Oxidizers, Low Carb Tolerance)


Weight gain occurs primarily due to:

•Insulin Dysregulation & Hyperinsulinemia (40-50%) → If they consume too many refined carbs, they develop insulin resistance quickly.

•Leptin Resistance (15-20%) → Poor leptin signaling leads to overeating despite sufficient stored energy.•Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis (5-10%) → Microbial imbalance can impair fat metabolism.


Key Takeaway: This group is most sensitive to carbohydrate-driven weight gain and benefits from a low-carb/keto lifestyle.

3. Dual-Fuel Metabolizers™ (Balanced Between Fat & Carb Utilization)


These individuals can tolerate moderate carbs but are still at risk of:

•Insulin Dysregulation & Hyperinsulinemia (30-40%) → Moderate insulin resistance can develop if carbs + fats are overconsumed together.

•Cortisol & Stress-Induced Eating (10-15%) → If their stress response is poor, they are prone to overeating.

•Dopamine & Reward System Dysregulation (10-15%) → Hyperpalatable foods can trigger cycles of overconsumption.


Key Takeaway: They have the most flexibility in diet but need to regulate food quality and stress exposure.

4. Carb-Sensitive Fat Storers™ (Prone to Metabolic Dysfunction & Weight Gain)

This group is most prone to rapid fat gain from carbohydrate intake, with major drivers being:

•Insulin Dysregulation & Hyperinsulinemia (50-60%) → Chronic insulin resistance keeps them in fat-storage mode.

•Leptin Resistance (15-20%) → Leads to persistent hunger even when energy stores are high.

•Ghrelin Dysregulation & Persistent Hunger (5-10%) → Strong, prolonged hunger signals make dieting difficult.

•Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis (5-10%) → Some gut bacteria promote sugar cravings and metabolic dysfunction.


Key Takeaway: They must tightly regulate carbs, and benefit from fasting, ketogenic diets, and strength training.

5. Hyper-Metabolic Outliers™ (High Energy Burners, Lean but Susceptible to Catabolism)

These individuals often don’t struggle with obesity, but if they do, it’s often related to:

•Dopamine & Reward System Dysregulation (15-20%) → May binge on hyperpalatable foods.

•Cortisol & Stress-Induced Eating (10-15%) → Chronic stress can cause fluctuations in weight and metabolism.

•Sleep Deprivation & Circadian Disruption (5-10%) → Metabolic rate can drop, leading to weight fluctuations.


Key Takeaway: They tend to burn through calories quickly but can still overconsume highly processed foods or suffer metabolic degradation under stress.


•A carb-sensitive fat storer needs aggressive insulin control (low-carb, fasting).

•A dopamine-driven dual-fuel metabolizer needs behavioral strategies to break food addiction.

•A stress-reactive carb-efficient type needs cortisol and sleep regulation.

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